Russian actor faces criminal charges over ‘anti-Russian’ interview

(Reuters) – Russian actor Artur Smolyaninov faces criminal charges in his home country after allegedly making “anti-Russian” comments in a newspaper interview, investigators said on Monday. Smolyaninov, who starred in the 2005 film “The 9th Company” about the Soviet Union’s ill-fated military campaign in Afghanistan, said in an interview last week that he would fight …

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Un estudio revela que el refuerzo contra ómicron reduce la hospitalización de mayores de 65 años

JERUSALÉN, 9 ene (Reuters) – La dosis de refuerzo de la vacuna contra el COVID-19 adaptada a ómicron y desarrollada por Pfizer Inc y BioNTech SE redujo drásticamente las hospitalizaciones entre pacientes de edad avanzada, dijeron el lunes investigadores israelíes, en lo que constituye una de las primeras pruebas de la eficacia de la vacuna …

Un estudio revela que el refuerzo contra ómicron reduce la hospitalización de mayores de 65 años Read More »

German finance regulator warns of ‘Godfather’ malware attacks

FRANKFURT (Reuters) – German finance regulator BaFin on Monday warned consumers that the malware known as “Godfather,” which records user input, has been attacking 400 banking and cryptocurrency apps, including some in Germany. BaFin said that it was unclear how the malware infected consumers’ devices. The malware displays fake websites of regular apps that can …

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