U.S. to give extra $100 million to Pakistan floods recovery

GENEVA (Reuters) – A senior official from the U.S. development agency USAID said on Monday that Washington would provide an additional $100 million in funding for Pakistan’s recovery from devastating floods last year. “I am delighted to announce that the United States is making an additional 100-million-dollar commitment to Pakistan to help it recover from …

U.S. to give extra $100 million to Pakistan floods recovery Read More »

Germany has no current plans to send Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine -spokesperson

BERLIN (Reuters) – Germany has no current plans to send Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine, a government spokesperson told a regular briefing on Monday. Germany last week announced it was sending Marder fighting vehicles to Kyiv, answering calls for more heavy weapons to repel Russian forces. Germany’s economy minister also said Berlin cannot rule out …

Germany has no current plans to send Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine -spokesperson Read More »

EZB erwartet sehr kräftiges Lohnwachstum in kommenden Quartalen

Frankfurt (Reuters) – Die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) rechnet für die kommenden Quartale mit einem sehr starken Lohnwachstum im Euro-Raum. Dies spiegele robuste Arbeitsmärkte wider, die die Abkühlung der Wirtschaft bislang gut verkraftet hätten, teilte die EZB am Montag in einem vorab veröffentlichten Artikel aus ihrem “Economic Bulletin” mit. Auch höhere Mindestlöhne und ein allgemeiner Aufholprozess …

EZB erwartet sehr kräftiges Lohnwachstum in kommenden Quartalen Read More »

Tarnished Golden Globes aim to regain role as Hollywood’s ‘party of the year’

By Lisa Richwine LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – A year after Hollywood boycotted the Golden Globes, Brad Pitt, Steven Spielberg and other big names are set to return as organizers try to restore the luster to what had been one of the biggest stops on the industry’s awards circuit. Most of this year’s nominees are expected …

Tarnished Golden Globes aim to regain role as Hollywood’s ‘party of the year’ Read More »

Russian missile kills two women at market in east Ukraine – prosecutors

KYIV (Reuters) -A Russian missile slammed into a village market in east Ukraine on Monday, killing two women and wounding four others including a 10-year-old girl, regional prosecutors said. Footage posed by public broadcaster Suspilne on the Telegram messaging app showed rescue workers sifting through large piles of rubble, burning debris and a large crater …

Russian missile kills two women at market in east Ukraine – prosecutors Read More »

La policía brasileña se reúne ante campamento de partidarios de Bolsonaro en Brasilia: testigo Reuters

BRASILIA, 9 ene (Reuters) – La policía brasileña se reunió ante un campamento de partidarios del expresidente Jair Bolsonaro frente al cuartel general del Ejército en la capital, Brasilia, informaron el lunes testigos de Reuters. La policía fuertemente armada, muchos a caballo, formaba una línea frente al campamento, donde se podía ver a partidarios de …

La policía brasileña se reúne ante campamento de partidarios de Bolsonaro en Brasilia: testigo Reuters Read More »